The Collector’s Collector

Haoran Yang, one of China’s most prolific Swiss Army Knife collectors, on what Victorinox and Swissness mean to him.

The World of Victorinox: the meaning of Swissness and our Heritage in China

For most of our fans, the little red knife is more than just a multi-tool. The many stories we heard during our recent Swiss Army Knife collectors competition showed us as much. It’s a childhood rite of passage, a gift from a mother or a grandfather. It’s the desire to emulate a hero. It’s the powerful feeling of being prepared that makes these little knives so addictive. These are the stories we heard again and again.

Another theme which came up regularly was just how closely our knives are associated with Switzerland, their country of origin. For a Swiss expatriate living overseas, a Victorinox knife can serve as a reminder of home. For other collectors, the functionality, iconic design and high quality of our pocket knives embody the very essence of Switzerland itself.

One of the most inspiring collections we saw was from Haoran Yang in China, who has curated his own part of our heritage, an impressive collection of rare and vintage knives which has led to him becoming one of China’s most prolific collectors since starting to collect in 2013. For Haoran, the sense of history is part of what makes Victorinox so compelling. Find out more about his collection:

What motivated you to start collecting Victorinox knives?

When I was a child, I found out about Swiss Army Knives by chance in a magazine, but you could not buy them in China at that time. Once they became available in China in the late 90s, I finally purchased my first model, a red Classic. The feeling of joy I got from owning this knife lasted for a long time, I kept taking it out of my pocket to look at it and to open the tools again and again.

In 2013, I came across the many forums and social networks dedicated to the Swiss Army Knife. I found that I really enjoyed looking at the pictures shared by the community and reading about all the various knives. It was like falling in love! Ever since, I have spent between four and six hours a day increasing my knowledge of Swiss Army Knives and I now own about 2,000 Swiss Army Knives, including rare and vintage models, as well as new styles.

What appeals to you most about Swiss Army Knives?

I like the feeling of being able to solve a problem anytime and anywhere. The Swiss Army knife meets my needs and I think it's more convenient and easier to carry than any other tool. The Swiss Army Knife has been there for more than 100 years and time has proved its value.


當然,我喜歡分享,亦有許多特別的故事。來說說我最喜歡的 Alox 吧。我想方設法,終於找到原版的 1957 年 Pioneer,而且全新未拆封!對我來說,這把刀有許多意義,因為這把刀是軍刀革新的開始,而且從 1961 年開始一直到 2008 年。也正是因為這把刀,我總共收集了九把 1957 年的 Pioneers,也收集了各個年代的其他 Pioneers。
我還有軍刀 100 年週年紀念時推出的刀。這把刀全世界只有一百把,因此是非常稀有的刀。另外值得注意的是「Waffenkontrolle」品質章,這與一般的紅色 Alox 軍刀不一樣。
我喜歡收集世界各地的軍刀,例如美國的黑色氧化鋼軍刀。照片裡是我的荷蘭軍刀收藏品,包括四把非常稀少、有平滑刀殼的藍色 Alox 刀。

Victorinox 的傳統是否為軍刀如此吸引你的原因?

雖然 Victorinox 在過去 100 年以來發展了很多,公司的許多地方仍然保持不變,例如對於品質與功能性的堅持。我喜歡有歷史感的東西,因此 Victorinox 非常吸引我。我希望可以把我的收藏品傳給我兒子,這樣他也能感受到軍刀帶給我的快樂。

對你而言,Victorinox 代表的瑞士精神是什麼?




希望各位喜歡 Haoran 收藏的刀。未來幾個月我們將陸續推出他更多驚人的收藏,並也將介紹其他得獎收藏家的收藏品。


  • Pioneer Alox

Pioneer Alox

HK$ 390 HK$ 
  • Swiss Soldier's Knife 08

Swiss Soldier's Knife 08

HK$ 500 HK$ 

