Browse and discover

Modern-day adventures, a journey back in time, or a fashion photo shoot – immerse yourself in the world of the legendary Swiss Army Knife.

Stories and ideas inspired by the Swiss Army Knife.

Our pocket knife is used all over the world. What’s more, it has already been to the moon. We have kept one of the experiences it’s had on its travels under wraps.

Discover the adventure of the legendary pocket knife.

The cyber tool – designed to make things happen

We are ushering the Victorinox legend into the digital age and equipping it with a bit wrench. This tool is ideal for opening, repairing and then closing a wide range of IT hardware devices. But it is also fully equipped to handle analog projects.

Let your creativity run wild. Just like the artists who created this cyber tool for us.

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Ready, get set, inspire

  • Cyber Tool L

Cyber Tool L

red transparent
CAD 178.00 CAD 
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  • Cyber Tool S

Cyber Tool S

red transparent
CAD 149.00 CAD 
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Make Yourself Useful

Unexpected moments happen to everyone, but there’s a certain attitude that marks some people out from others. Relaxed, easy going, prepared, confident. These people move seamlessly between their busy urban lives and their adventures in the great outdoors. With your Swiss Army Knife by your side, you can also feel prepared for anything. Let Victorinox show you how.
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Ferramentas para sua vida útil

  • Wine Master
  • Wine Master

Wine Master

Walnut wood
CAD 248.00 CAD 
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  • Spartan Wood

Spartan Wood

CAD 61.00 CAD 
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  • Explorer


BRL 631.00 BRL 
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  • Minichave de fenda de reposição

Minichave de fenda de reposição

BRL 26.00 BRL 
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  • Angler


BRL 660.00 BRL 
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A história do
aço Damasco

O aço brilhante e bicolor da lâmina Damascus fascina as pessoas há séculos.

Descubra o segredo do aço Damascus e faça uma viagem ao passado.

O último cuteleiro

Antes de passar suas ferramentas adiante para o sucessor e nosso novo aprendiz, o último cuteleiro da Victorinox reservou um tempo para falar conosco sobre seu trabalho. Sua carreira como afiador de faca na Victorinox durou mais de 50 anos.

Conheça René Frieden e veja como a tradição encontra a modernidade.

O que o torna um ícone de design?

Designers suíços, homens e mulheres, explicam por que nosso canivete de bolso recebe tanto reconhecimento.

Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o canivete do exército suíço

Os 10 canivetes de bolso mais populares
Dicas e truques
Entalhes com as crianças
O caráter suíço na China
O último cuteleiro
Concurso de design da Victorinox
Encontrar presentes