Women who inspire International Women's Day

Meet three dynamic women who help make Victorinox successful

The women within the Victorinox team are an important part of what drives us all. They contribute their spirit, they master the broad dimensions of the company, they have global influence on the popularity of our brand around the world. Here are just three of the women who provide Victorinox with the energy to achieve our goals.

Strength & Power: Apprentice Cutler Karin Ulrich

Karin has always been happiest when she’s doing a job that’s creative and physically demanding, where she can see a result at the end of the day. Growing up on a local farm, hard work comes naturally to her. Which is why she’s perfect as one of our two cutler apprentices – who both happen to be women. When she graduates, Karin will be a master cutler, an expert in the whole process of making knives.

For her final exam, Karin is making a replica of the first Victorinox farmer’s pocket knife from the turn of the 20th century. All by hand, every single multifunctional part, from steel blades and springs to the wooden scales. It will literally be her masterpiece.

Why take so long to learn to make something manually, when it’s much quicker by machine? “Because tradition is important,” says Karin. “We need to remember and understand how things are made by hand. I value the work and craftsmanship that goes into a knife and have a lot of respect for it.”

Since it is International Women’s Day: Does she feel being a woman is an asset in the factory? “That’s not really an issue,” Karin says. “All you need to be is committed to your work, to like the physicality and pull your own weight.”

There are fewer and fewer cutlers in Switzerland. This is why it’s important to us that this apprenticeship remains on offer at Victorinox. It’s the job that started the company, this exceptional expertise where our tradition began, and it has taken us so far in the last 138 years. Thanks to talented apprentices like Karin Ulrich, we can make sure the tradition continues.

Dimensions of the Company: Vice President of Corporate
Markets in North America Annette Jensen

Annette has been with Victorinox for over 25 years. She is responsible for a team that is so devoted that they nominated her as one of Promotional Products Association International’s “10 Best Bosses” in the industry – an award that she won. Her reaction? “It was an honor to be recognized. My team has a shared passion for what we do and similarly, we share our successes.”

We asked her position on leadership. “While my role on the team is to set direction, a good leader embraces the unique experience each team member brings to the table. I listen to and trust my people to guide that direction. We all have an opportunity to inspire one another to reach for more – and personal knowledge can be that springboard. Within the corporate gifts workplace, women are in the majority, perhaps because we have a good understanding of what we want, but also what makes everyone happy. Over the years I’ve worked together with the whole team to incorporate that knowledge, to refine our sense for choosing that gift which hits the right spot for all kinds of people.”

While we’ve got her: Does she have a favorite among all the Victorinox products? She laughs. “27 years ago, I wasn’t thinking I would ever need a Swiss Army Knife. Now I can’t imagine being without one. I’ve kept one with me since the day I started at Victorinox and only use its tweezers instead of regular ones.”

“Victorinox is an amazing company to work for,” Annette adds. “It has built its success on integrity.”

Global Influence: Chief Marketing Officer Veronika Elsener

Veronika Elsener ha tenido varios puestos dentro de la empresa en 25 años. Desde 2009, cuando el enfoque todavía estaba puesto en la fabricación, ella impulsa el desarrollo de la gestión de marca y, como directora de Mercadotecnia, es responsable de la comunicación global de la marca.

Le preguntamos a la Sra. Elsener qué significa para ella el Día Internacional de la Mujer como parte de la familia comprometida detrás de Victorinox. “Llama la atención el hecho de que las mujeres pueden hacer un gran aporte al desarrollo de la sociedad. Gracias a nuestras fortalezas y habilidad para ver las cosas como un todo, podemos hacer un aporte especial”. ¿Y cuáles de sus propias fortalezas le han ayudado en el camino? “Mi amor por la creatividad, una sana curiosidad, encontrar felicidad en aprender y una buena disposición para probar cosas nuevas han sido definitivamente un activo en este mundo de cambio constante”.

¿Qué tipo de futuro espera ver Veronika Elsener para sus propias hijas? “Es importante enseñarles a mis hijos todo lo que pueda, pero en última instancia deben ser ellos los que elijan. Las mujeres pueden seguir diferentes caminos (no todos al mismo tiempo; tienes que pensar en fases, ser flexible y abierta), pero definitivamente tienen más opciones hoy en día”. Ser valiente y tener nuevas experiencias es importante en la vida. Seguir probando hasta que se sienta bien. Y lo que se sintió bien ayer, no necesariamente se sentirá bien hoy. “Tienes que ver la vida como un viaje y aprovecharlo”.

La Sra. Elsener siempre ha apoyado a las mujeres dentro de Victorinox. “Me esfuerzo por asegurarme de que seamos accesibles para la familia, de manera que ambos padres puedan ayudarse a iniciar y mantener a su familia mientras se respetan los valores empresariales de Victorinox”.