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Do you have a question regarding one of our products? Please check out the Product Support section, where you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our Swiss Army Knives, Household and Professional Knives, Watches, Travel Gear and Fragrances products.

​​​​​​​To find a service/repair center nearby, please use our Repair Center Finder.

If you haven't found what you were looking for, please contact our local subsidiaries directly or contact Victorinox Headquarters via the contact form below.



Victorinox Commercial (China) Co. Ltd
8th Floor, Building #18
No. 599 East Yunling Road
200062 Shanghai
Tel +8621 3250 0111
Fax +8621 3250 0866
E-Mail: info.cn@victorinox.com

Victorinox Commercial (China) Co., Ltd.

Room 501-505, 5F,Metro Plaza, No.555, Loushanguan Road, Changning, Shanghai, China  上海市长宁区娄山关路555号长房国际广场501-505室
200336  Shanghai

+86 21 6260 0630


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