Stories of Fans and Creators Made by Us, Loved by You

Fans Love our Products, We Love our Fans

We make products the way we would like to have them ourselves. This means in outstanding Swiss quality, with solution-oriented functionality. We believe in innovation for smart, creative and contemporary products. And our no-frills iconic design is based on simple, distinctive and clean lines. These brand values are defined by our promise to consumers.

As a result, the emotional connection between us and our fans is authentic. We make products for you and you choose our products because you love them. This is how we inspire each other.

Meet some of our creators and some of our fans.

Made by Andrea, loved by us

Designer Andrea García Peña loves the artistic side of her job. Learning the language of a brand in terms of colors, fonts and textures and applying them to a design is what drives her.

Andrea also loves our brand. So much so that she jumped at the chance to enter the Victorinox Limited Edition Design Contest – winning the Patterns of the World edition with her tie-dye motif. The judges of the contest – our fans around the globe – were inspired by its colorful, psychedelic style. It’s now one of ten designs on our Classic Limited Edition 2021 pocket knives.

“After many years designing, I still think “I DID THAT” when I see my work in use.”
Andrea García Peña
Designer, Querétaro

Made by us, loved by Felix

As a mechanic, social worker and nature educator, Felix Immler teaches kids and their adults how to safely handle a pocket knife. His very popular hands-on courses for Victorinox mix making toys out of things found in a forest with wilderness and survival techniques. Felix’s YouTube videos also show how a pocket knife can turn a bored kid into an energized one.

Felix is definitely one of our biggest fans. Inspired at age eight by a Huntsman pocket knife, he’s since been able to combine his love for the Swiss Army Knife and the outdoors with his commitment to teaching kids.

“It inspires me to wonder. And wander.”
Felix Immler
Pocket Knife Training Instructor, St-Margarethen
  • 童子军动物系列儿童套装
  • 童子军动物系列儿童套装
  • 童子军动物系列儿童套装


CNY 399 CNY 
  • “童子军 H”
  • “童子军 H”
  • “童子军 H”

“童子军 H”

CNY 279 CNY 

创造由 Pierre ,热爱由你

嗅觉艺术总监 Pierre Aulas 是 Victorinox 香水系列背后的创意人物。若 Victorinox 有计划打造新款香水的需求时,他会倾听我们的想法并寻找我们最终想要的效果。然后他将这些想法转化为激发调香师创造力的嗅觉概述。

例如,就 2020 年的香水新品发布而言,我们与 Pierre 沟通,希望打造一款能够激发力量、山脉清新气息和冒险动力的香水。Pierre 将这一想法解释为“矿石、阳刚、新鲜和非凡质感”。之后,他将这一想法简要表达给调香师,后者随即打造出一款优雅、浓烈又纯正的香水:Swiss Army Rock,并加入我们推出的全新特色系列。

Pierre Aulas

创造由我,热爱由 Rutger 

Rutger Geerling 是位摄影师,经常环球旅行,拍摄了许多电子音乐节的震撼画面。其实这位摄影师的旅行可以用频繁来形容了。从故乡荷兰到日本和美国,Rutger 带着他对舞曲音乐摄影的热情走遍全世界。

Rutger 是 Victorinox 产品的忠实爱好者。由于需要带着摄影设备满世界跑,所以他使用的是专用箱包。但对于个人物品,他更喜欢旅行箱包,既优质又轻便,同时质量过硬,可用于盛放小型专业物品和设备。

Rutger Geerling
  • 维氏轻翼中号硬壳旅行箱
  • 维氏轻翼中号硬壳旅行箱
  • 维氏轻翼中号硬壳旅行箱
  • 维氏轻翼中号硬壳旅行箱


Light Blue, 74 l
CNY 3,190 CNY 
  • Lexicon Hardside Global Carry-On
  • Lexicon Hardside Global Carry-On

Lexicon Hardside Global Carry-On

黑色, 34 l
CNY 4,190 CNY 

创造由我,热爱由 Joelle 和 Vivienne 

双人花样游泳运动员 Joelle Peschl 和 Vivienne Koch 代表瑞士参加国际赛事。对她们来说,每一秒都极其珍贵,每一个动作都要协调一致。她们互相配合,以轻松姿态完成美妙动作,但其实这些动作都非常费力。她们每天要做的就是不断精进、不断完善、高质量完成。 

我们为 Joelle 和 Vivienne 送上全新 I.N.O.X. V 腕表用于测试,这款腕表可 100 米防水。她们表示,这款腕表尤为吸引她们的地方就是,本身已经非常优秀,但力求精益求精。此外,她们还发现了这款腕表与花样游泳之间的相似之处:其强度和复杂性均隐藏在表盘下方,而所呈现出来的则是美观感受。

Joelle Peschl 和 Vivienne Koch
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