Sustainable Travel Tips for Eco Journeys

How to be a More Sustainable Traveler: Ideas to Make Your Journey Greener

Flying less and staying closer to home are still the greenest ways to travel. However, for those that wish to explore further afield, a few eco-conscious adjustments to your travel plans can minimize your footprint and deepen your relationship with the planet. We share our tips for sustainable travel below. If you are specifically looking for tips on sustainable travel for families, scroll down for more ideas.

Where to Go

Without the need for flights and accommodation, the day trip remains a very green travel choice. Local cities and towns can be a great way to rediscover national history and culture. Even a short trip by train or car to the forest or coast is a refreshing way to take a break.

If your heart is set on international travel, choose a destination that is committed to sustainability. Reaching out to local tourist boards or a quick internet search will return a list of the greenest cities and countries to visit. How each measures sustainability will differ, so take some time to determine which aspects of their sustainability policies resonate most with you. Some measure good air quality while others focus on high walkability scores and the number of local farmers’ markets.

Choosing lesser-known destinations or traveling off-season is another way to travel consciously. You can also look at incorporating eco-volunteering into your travel agenda. Many organizations have programs that help protect and preserve natural environments with the collaboration of visitors to the area.

Sustainable travel is not only about lowering your carbon footprint; it’s about caring and supporting local communities too. Locals have a big incentive to preserve their communities. One of the most direct ways you can positively impact the people and places you visit is with your money. Find accommodation, tour operators and guides that maintain sustainable standards regarding workers’ rights, inclusivity and impact on local communities. Spending money on local businesses ensures that more money remains in the hands of those living in your destination.

Backpacks for Day Trips

  • Altmont Original Standard Backpack
  • Altmont Original Standard Backpack
  • Altmont Original Standard Backpack

Altmont Original Standard Backpack

black, 25 l
PLN 439.00 PLN 
  • Altmont Active Lightweight Captop Backpack
  • Altmont Active Lightweight Captop Backpack
  • Altmont Active Lightweight Captop Backpack

Altmont Active Lightweight Captop Backpack

red, 26 l
PLN 530.00 PLN 
  • Altmont Original Standard Backpack
  • Altmont Original Standard Backpack
  • Altmont Original Standard Backpack

Altmont Original Standard Backpack

blue, 25 l
PLN 439.00 PLN 

Where to Stay

Many accommodation services have integrated environmental and social responsibility into their business models. Some established venues have taken the route of obtaining eco-certification. However, it’s not to say that locally-run accommodation such as homestays and farm stays aren’t eco-worthy too.

There are also accommodation search services that plant trees for every booking made or donate a portion of profits to social and sustainability projects in local areas.

Tiny houses, log cabins and tents are eco by nature and have less environmental impact. House swapping is another low-cost option that leaves a lighter footprint.

Travel Gear for International Adventures

  • Werks Traveler 6.0 Softside Medium Case
  • Werks Traveler 6.0 Softside Medium Case

Werks Traveler 6.0 Softside Medium Case

藍色, 75 l
TWD 19,000 TWD 
  • Lexicon 硬殼大型旅行箱
  • Lexicon 硬殼大型旅行箱

Lexicon 硬殼大型旅行箱

鈦, 105 l
TWD 26,200 TWD 
  • Lexicon 硬殼中型
  • Lexicon 硬殼中型

Lexicon 硬殼中型

黑色, 73 l
TWD 24,200 TWD 



​​​​​​​ 總而言之,如果是 500 公里內的行程,應先考慮乘搭火車或駕駛汽車。一些實用網站可以幫助您計算和比較每次旅程選擇乘搭飛機、火車、汽車的排放量及能源消耗。


  • Altmont Active Lightweight 2合1 旅行袋背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 2合1 旅行袋背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 2合1 旅行袋背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 2合1 旅行袋背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 2合1 旅行袋背囊

Altmont Active Lightweight 2合1 旅行袋背囊

Light Blue, 35 l
TWD 6,550 TWD 
  • Altmont Professional Wheeled Laptop Backpack

Altmont Professional Wheeled Laptop Backpack

黑色, 20 l
TWD 10,800 TWD 



不妨考慮使用不含化學物質的防曬霜及護膚品,夏威夷已在 2018 年禁止使用含有二苯甲酮-3 (oxybenzone ) 及甲氧基肉桂酸辛酯 (octinoxate) 的防曬霜,科學家發現這些化學物質會增加珊瑚白化的速度和阻礙珊瑚繁殖。

攜帶可重複使用的水瓶、咖啡杯、零食容器、廚具出行,有助在旅途上減少使用即棄塑膠製品。很多精緻的環保產品亦可以取代浪費的旅行裝洗漱用品:嘗試將沐浴露換成肥皂,將瓶裝洗髮劑換成洗髮皂。 選擇乳膏狀的止汗劑或採用生物可分解物料製造的牙刷。

執拾行李時,您需要實用而時尚的收納用品。輕巧的箱包令旅程變得輕鬆愉快,優質的裝配則確保可以長期使用── 畢竟,耐用亦意味著環保。


  • Altmont Active Lightweight 可擴展背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 可擴展背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 可擴展背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 可擴展背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 可擴展背囊

Altmont Active Lightweight 可擴展背囊

橘色, 25 l
TWD 5,800 TWD 
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 輕巧背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 輕巧背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 輕巧背囊
  • Altmont Active Lightweight 輕巧背囊

Altmont Active Lightweight 輕巧背囊

黑色, 18 l
TWD 3,900 TWD 


很多家長認為環保旅遊可以教育下一代保護地球的重要性。我們是 ToptoTop 遠征隊的贊助商之一,他們一邊環遊世界,一邊向在旅途上遇見的每個人傳遞有關氣候變化的知識,為我們帶來極大鼓舞。

他們的家庭成員包括氣候學家 Dario、護士 Sabine 及六個孩子。最年長的女兒 Salina 更已是能夠獨當一面的演講者──和父母一樣,這幾個孩子都是大力推動可持續生活的大使。Dario 和 Sabine 指:「我們發現由小孩向同輩分享我們的訊息,會更加見效。」 這個旅遊經驗豐富且喜歡冒險的家庭坐在一起與我們分享他們的可持續旅遊建議時,一直把其親身經歷掛在嘴邊。


Dario 說:「讓自己適應大自然的節奏尤為重要,如果您的時間有限,您可能會匆忙行事,也許您會忽視後果危險的雪崩警告。」 Dario 憶起一家人在大西洋航行時,經常有鯨魚或海豚伴隨著,令孩子非常高興。Dario 指出:「如果您像大多數人一樣飛快地越過這片海洋,就會完全錯過如此奇妙的體驗。」 雖然並非每個人都有此等閒暇,但您仍然可以應用這種心態至您的兩週假期。


不論體驗自己的國家,還是出國旅遊,學習欣賞大自然永不嫌早。 正如 Dario 所言:「小時候在河流或湖泊游泳的瑞士小孩,長大後會不遺餘力地保育河流和湖泊。」 Dario 希望 ToptoTop 遠征隊的全球工作具有同樣效果:「漁民經常獵殺智利魯賓遜克魯索島上的海豹,我們帶了一班當地的學童和海豹一起暢泳,這對每個人而言都是動人心魄的經歷,我十分肯定這群孩子長大後不會變成捕殺這些美麗動物的漁民。」


Dario 表示:「輕裝上路同樣是美好的體驗。我們曾經在澳洲和兩個年幼的小孩一起踏單車一星期,來往不同的定居點,這讓我們學會如何將攜帶的物品減至最少,以帶備我們所需的水。」 這家人認為帶最小量的物品出遊不僅令行李變得輕巧,亦令心靈變得輕快。「我們發現帶得越少,就越無需擔心我們遺漏了甚麼。」 孩子只可帶極少玩具上船,不會感到沉悶嗎? Dario 笑稱:「當然不會!他們擁有越少玩具,就會變得越有創意和好奇心,畢竟大自然才是最好的老師。」


雖然不是所有人都願意在假期做義工,但仍可在旅遊時對您的目的地帶來正面影響:「不論您前往熱帶海灘,還是登山遠足,都可以隨身攜帶一個袋,沿途撿垃圾。」 Dario 表示他和家人都喜歡以這種簡單而有效的方式提供幫助:「大自然非常慷慨,為我們貢獻良多,包括迷人的風景,亦包括寧靜的時刻,撿垃圾時,您就好像正在回饋大自然。」


對 Schwörers 一家而言,尊重大自然和尊重遇到的人息息相關,這是他們慢步旅遊理念中重要的一環。Dario 說:「當您放慢腳步,就有更多時間與人相處,建立人際關係,並向別人學習。這不僅為您帶來更多體驗,最重要的是可以擴闊知識,助您學習保護地球的重要性。」


  • VX Sport EVO Deluxe Backpack
  • VX Sport EVO Deluxe Backpack
  • VX Sport EVO Deluxe Backpack

VX Sport EVO Deluxe Backpack

紅色, 28 l
TWD 5,300 TWD 