Master the moment: ordinary uses, extraordinary quality

Our iconic Swiss Army Knife is both essential and indispensable. Thanks to the Swiss craftsmanship and exceptional quality we put into every pocket knife we make, you’ll solve the challenges that come up every day. Here are just a few examples of how you can master the moment.

Remove the bottle cap

When you’ve thought of every detail, the Huntsman is the perfect companion for your memorable moments. Use the bottle opener to remove the cap of your cool drink as you settle in for your stylish rooftop picnic.


上班途中,如果單車鏈碰巧脫落,即使您沒有專用的單車工具,亦能快速修理。只需使用 Pioneer X Alox 的開罐器將鏈條重新裝到卡式飛輪,就可以繼續行程。
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如果您的衣服出現問題,Classic SD 的剪刀就可派上用場。全靠隨時掛在鑰匙鏈的工具,修剪好圍巾的線尾後,您的造型又再回復完美。


您的快煮餐剛剛送達,而您早已飢腸轆轆。使用 Spartan Wood 輕鬆打開您的快煮餐送貨箱。大刀可輕而易舉地打開任何送貨箱,您只需花心思烹飪,然後倒杯美味的飲料配搭美食。