Designing the next Classic pocket knife

At Victorinox we love fresh and undiscovered ideas. That’s why we started the annual Victorinox Design Contest, where fans and design lovers can submit their ideas for the new Classic Limited Edition knives.

See the submissions, read about our designers or become a designer yourself and join the Victorinox Design Contest.

Design Contest 2021: the Winners

The winners have been chosen! Discover the ten designs which our fans around the globe have voted for during our design contest. The winning designs will be produced by Victorinox and the new Limited Edition Classic pocket knives will be available for purchase in spring 2021.

Discover the beautiful and creative ideas which have won the Victorinox Design Contest.

Follow the Victorinox Design Contest

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Meet the Designers

Corina and Alex / Bucharest

Hi, we are Corina and Alex, graphic/product designers/illustrators from Bucharest. The concept of our design is to follow your beliefs while remaining unique and fresh. Some people believe in luck and others believe in making their own luck. And this is great, as this lucky cats bring us all the luck we need, plus one extra lucky cat that reminds us to work hard while staying positive and do things our way. As with the target audience, we are in luck. In this day and age, cats = instant love :)
Designers Profile

Andrea / Mexico City

My name is Andrea and I'm a Graphic Designer from Mexico City. I've always loved hippie, boho-chic culture and with this idea I wanted to represent the fun, psychedelic colours from the 70's groove!
Designers Profile

Besnik / Albania

Hi! My name is Besnik, I am  37 years old. I live in Tirana, Albania. I remember the time when television broadcasts in Albania were limited and this view was on television for 18 hours a day.
Designers Profile

From the beginning, we have collaborated with Jovoto, an open innovation platform. On, people from over 150 countries solve creative challenges. 

​​​​​​​A few numbers from the Victorinox Design Competition for 2021

  • Submitted ideas 2’529
  • Participating countries 91
  • Pre-selected ideas 100
  • Numbers of winners 10
  • Number of voters 11540
  • Prize money 37’500 Euro​​​​​​​

See some of our previous Winners