Stories of Fans and Creators Made by Us, Loved by You

Fans Love our Products, We Love our Fans

We make products the way we would like to have them ourselves. This means in outstanding Swiss quality, with solution-oriented functionality. We believe in innovation for smart, creative and contemporary products. And our no-frills iconic design is based on simple, distinctive and clean lines. These brand values are defined by our promise to consumers.

As a result, the emotional connection between us and our fans is authentic. We make products for you and you choose our products because you love them. This is how we inspire each other.

Meet some of our creators and some of our fans.

Made by Andrea, loved by us

Designer Andrea García Peña loves the artistic side of her job. Learning the language of a brand in terms of colors, fonts and textures and applying them to a design is what drives her.

Andrea also loves our brand. So much so that she jumped at the chance to enter the Victorinox Limited Edition Design Contest – winning the Patterns of the World edition with her tie-dye motif. The judges of the contest – our fans around the globe – were inspired by its colorful, psychedelic style. It’s now one of ten designs on our Classic Limited Edition 2021 pocket knives.

“After many years designing, I still think “I DID THAT” when I see my work in use.”
Andrea García Peña
Designer, Querétaro

Made by us, loved by Felix

As a mechanic, social worker and nature educator, Felix Immler teaches kids and their adults how to safely handle a pocket knife. His very popular hands-on courses for Victorinox mix making toys out of things found in a forest with wilderness and survival techniques. Felix’s YouTube videos also show how a pocket knife can turn a bored kid into an energized one.

Felix is definitely one of our biggest fans. Inspired at age eight by a Huntsman pocket knife, he’s since been able to combine his love for the Swiss Army Knife and the outdoors with his commitment to teaching kids.

“It inspires me to wonder. And wander.”
Felix Immler
Pocket Knife Training Instructor, St-Margarethen
  • My First Victorinox Children Sets, Animal Edition
  • My First Victorinox Children Sets, Animal Edition
  • My First Victorinox Children Sets, Animal Edition

My First Victorinox Children Sets, Animal Edition

CLP 42,900 CLP 

Made by Pierre, loved by you

Olfactory Artistic Director Pierre Aulas is the creative brain behind our range of fragrances. When we decide to create a new scent, he listens to our vision for what we want. Then he converts those ideas into an olfactive brief that will spark the perfumer’s creativity.

For our 2020 fragrance re-launch, for example, we told Pierre we’d like a fragrance that evoked a sense of strength, mountain freshness and adventure. Pierre translated this into “mineral, masculine, fresh and very textured”. He then briefed the perfumer, who was inspired to create the elegant, strong and authentic fragrance Swiss Army Rock, which is part of our new Signature Collection.

“Quality has a distinct aroma. I bottle it.”
Pierre Aulas
Olfactory Director, Paris
  • 100 ml


100 ml
CLP 49,900 CLP 
  • 100 ml

Morning Dew

100 ml
CLP 49,900 CLP 
  • 100 ml

Black Steel

100 ml
CLP 49,900 CLP 
  • 100 ml

Steel 淡香水

100 ml
HK$ 690 HK$ 
  • 100 ml

Swiss Army Sport 淡香水

100 ml
HK$ 590 HK$ 

由我們打造,承蒙 Rutger 的喜愛

攝影師 Rutger Geerling 環遊世界,拍攝電子音樂節的精彩影像。我們所指的「環遊」,當然就是足跡遍佈天下。從他的家鄉──荷蘭,以至日本和美國,Rutger 帶著他對舞蹈音樂攝影的熱愛遊歷世界各地。

Rutger 是我們產品的忠實擁躉。他隨身攜帶攝影設備,因此需要使用經專業設計的工具箱;至於他的個人物品,他喜歡使用輕巧、精緻的旅行箱包,同時亦要堅固耐用,以便存放較細小的工作用品及設備。

Rutger Geerling

由我們打造,承蒙 Joelle 及 Vivienne 的喜愛

Joelle Peschl 及 Vivienne Koch 是代表瑞士參加國際比賽的韻律泳運動員。對她們而言,每一秒都非常重要,每一個動作都要同步調節。她們一起創作看似柔韌自如,實質強而有力的優雅舞蹈組合,每天都要展示卓越、完美、優質的表現。 

Joelle 及 Vivienne 為我們可防水 100 米的全新 I.N.O.X. V 作測試。她們告訴我們對這款腕錶的情有獨鍾之處──即使原本已是經典設計,我們對進步的渴求仍然做到精益求精。她們認為腕錶與她們十分相似:腕錶的強韌配置及複雜結構隱藏在錶盤下,而您能看見的就是腕錶的精緻外型。

Joelle Peschl、Vivienne Koch
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  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V

I.N.O.X. V

黑色, 37 mm
HK$ 4,900 HK$ 
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V

I.N.O.X. V

灰色, 37 mm
HK$ 4,900 HK$ 
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V

I.N.O.X. V

白色, 37 mm
HK$ 5,000 HK$ 
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V
  • I.N.O.X. V

I.N.O.X. V

藍色, 37 mm
HK$ 5,300 HK$ 
