Do Try This at Home Chocolate with a Twist

Yoghurt cream and condensed milk caramel with frozen berries and a chocolate mousse chip

The chocolate mousse chip for this dessert needs to be prepared well in advance, but it’s well worth the effort! The creamy yoghurt, sticky caramel, crunchy chocolate and frozen berries combine in a riot of textures and flavors.
Condensed milk caramel
  • 1 tube of sweetened condensed milk
  1. cook 90 minutes in a steam oven or in a pot of boiling water on the hob for 90 minutes at low heat

Chocolate mousse chips
  • 75g 68% chocolate
  • 25g egg yolk
  • 80g egg white
  • Pinch of salt
  • 25g sugar
  1. melt chocolate in a bowl over boiling water (bain marie)
  2. beat the egg white with salt, then slowly add the sugar until the egg white is stiff 
  3. remove the chocolate from the water bath, add the egg yolk, fold in half of the egg white and mix well, add the other half
  4. prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper, spread the mixture onto it to a thickness of about 3mm and let dry in the oven at 70 degrees for about 7 hours until crispy
Yoghurt cream
  • 375g plain yoghurt
  • 30g powdered sugar
  • 105g full/whipping cream
  • 2 sheet gelatin
  • 1 Kisag whipped cream dispenser
  1. soften gelatin in cold water
  2. heat the cream briefly with the powdered sugar, dissolve the gelatin in it and mix in the yoghurt
  3. fill into a Kisag whipped cream dispenser, close firmly, load with a cartridge and shake well
  4. cool down in the refrigerator for approx. 2 hours
  5. remove from the refrigerator approx. 15 minutes before use

  • 160g frozen raspberries
  1. place the frozen raspberries into a zippable plastic bag and break into little pieces with the bottom of a small bowl or a rolling pin
  2. layer all ingredients in a bowl, starting with the caramel. Top with the yoghurt cream from the whipped cream dispenser, break the crispy chocolate mousse into a cracker, place the cracker upright at the side of the bowl, top with the frozen berries.