Victorinox 携手 ECAL 推进 I.N.O.X. 腕表材料的创新
为了探索不锈钢在腕表行业的可能应用,我们希望下一代的设计师能够沿用这种传统材料。瑞士洛桑艺术大学(简称为 ECAL),是全球最知名且最具创新性的设计院校之一,我们很高兴与之合作。来自世界各地的学生借鉴医学手术、纳米技术或仿生学等领域的知识,并将此知识应用到腕表领域。
多年来,我们在不锈钢的处理方面积累了丰富的经验。大约一个世纪前,我们是全球首家使用这种材料制作刀具的公司。这一创新标志着我们产品质量的转折点,在 1921 年,我们在品牌名称中加入了不锈钢“inox”。
从那以后,不锈钢成为我们工作的核心。此专业知识引导我们涉足腕表领域。鉴于我们的发展经历,开始钟表制造似乎是件自然而然的事情。传奇的 I.N.O.X. 应时而生:向以自身独特性不断带给我们惊喜的不锈钢材料致敬。
不锈钢 – 1 种材料,11 种创新
The project was headed up by Alexis Georgacopoulos, Director of ECAL, and Thilo Alex Brunner, Head of Master in Product Design at ECAL. Under their initiative, designer and ECAL professor Alexander Taylor led students from all over the world through a three month project on discovering new possibilities for the use of stainless steel.
What is the future of stainless steel in the watch industry, Alexander Taylor?
Why didn’t you design watches in this project but focused on material?
I believe the students and designers should learn skills enabling them to be multifaceted in approach and work not only with the finished object, working in a way exploring first the ways in which we can work without the parameters of the object. The character of the object and the opportunity to create something new in both terms of aesthetic and production will come from a collaboration with makers and understanding of the designer to tailor the technologies to a particular need. During this process opportunities will inevitably present themselves beyond the original brief. By not focusing on a particular design of a watch it allowed us to let the process really inform and influence the formal outcome.
What makes stainless steel such an interesting material to work with?
It has such a beautiful and highly functional industrial quality, somehow hi-tech yet so familiar! It is a material with the ability to stimulate the senses and is associated with pioneering product / structures and performance. With this project however we illustrated how you can take a material which is so familiar and still propose absolutely new ways in which it can be fabricated or processed.
About Alex Taylor, Awarded British Designer, Professor at ECAL