
Is it because of our Swiss roots? Our 130-year history? Or is it simply because of our deep connection with nature? The fact is – we have always felt an obligation to treat our resources and our colleagues responsibly.

Discover more about sustainability at Victorinox, and the awards we have won for this over the years.

Overview of our sustainable approach

How we focus on sustainability in our products and our production.

A detailed look at sustainability

Learn in more detail about how we commit to sustainability at Victorinox across all areas.

Awards and Labels

We are regularly awarded for our actions in the areas of innovation, sustainability, and social commitment.

Explore – inspire – act

Discover global climate expedition ToptoTop as they travel the globe, raising awarenes and changing people’s lives.
Victorinox Design Contest
Museum of Modern Art, and more.
Our Awards and Accolades
Art and Victorinox
Artwork inspired by us
Special Design Editions
Discover knives
Design icons!?
Explore the details
The materials we use
Inspiration & Stories
Design expertise
An overview