Awards and Labels

We are regularly awarded for our actions in the areas of innovation, sustainability, and social commitment. Which ones? You can learn more here.

Awards and labels – major recognition for our actions

We are delighted to have been honored with numerous awards for our environmental commitment, capacity for innovation and sustainable management. In addition, numerous labels lend an official stamp to our unfailing commitment.

An overview of our awards and labels


REACH is a Europe-wide standard for substances and preparations. Victorinox fulfills all directives and regulations.

Schweizerische Umweltstiftung

Thanks to the support of a broad range of sustainability efforts, Victorinox was honored to receive the company prize from the Schweizerischen Umweltstiftung [Swiss Environmental Foundation] in 2008.

Green Dot

«The Green Dot» is a German labeling system for recycling packaging. Victorinox has been a member since 1993.


As a distributor of goods destined for private end users, Victorinox also participates in a system for the return of transport packaging.


Victorinox has received the prize for innovative products, sustainable conduct, and social commitment from the Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Innovationsmanagement [Swiss Association for Innovation Management].

Green Shield

Our own “Green Shield” label sends a message about practical environmental protection. The label makes employees aware of environmental concerns.

Learn more about how we commit to sustainability

We act sustainably
Discover our awards
Our sustainability
Climate Expedition
Tips from Kids
For mankind and the environment
All about sustainability
Sustainable Travel