BBQ from A to Z The Knife Guide

Need help finding the perfect grilling tools? Here’s our Knife Guide

The right tools are essential, no matter whether you’re a beginner, a grill enthusiast or a master. Our practical grill helpers will help you host a really great BBQ. Let our knives and utensils help you feel like a pro in the kitchen.

For spontaneous beginners

A sharp chef's knife, good vegetable and tomato knives and maybe a nice set of steak knives - that's really all you need in terms of solid basic equipment. Have you only just discovered your enthusiasm for grilling? The versatile kitchen knives of our Swiss Classic and Swiss Modern collection are exactly what you need.
Swiss Classic Collection
Swiss Modern Collection


随着经验的增加,工具的精细性和要求也更高。任何经常烧烤并真正热爱烧烤的人都知道一套强大的厨具有多重要。Victorinox 木质厨刀系列是真正的烧烤爱好者的理想搭档。有了它们,您的刀座上再也不缺任何东西。
Grand Maître 系列