Toma el control: calidad extraordinaria para tareas cotidianas

Nuestra Navaja Suiza es esencial e indispensable. Gracias al trabajo artesanal y la calidad suiza excepcional de cada navaja de bolsillo, podrás resolver los desafíos con los que te encuentras todos los días. Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de cómo puedes tomar el control.

Quita la tapa de la botella

Cuando piensas en todos los detalles, la Huntsman es la compañera ideal para tus momentos más importantes. Usa el destapador para quitar la tapa de tu bebida fresca mientras te acomodas en tu elegante terraza.

Fix your bike while on the road

If you’re commuting to work and the chain happens to come off your bike, you can fix it with a quick hack, even if you don’t have specific bike tools with you. Just lift the chain back onto the cassette using the can opener from your Pioneer X Alox – and you’re on your way again.
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Trimming a loose thread

If you spot something amiss on your outfit, the scissors from the Classic SD will come in handy. Trim that loose thread on your scarf and your style is back to perfection, thanks to the tool that’s always on your key chain.

Opening a delivery box

Your meal kit has just been delivered and your stomach’s already rumbling. Take on your meal kit delivery box effortlessly with the Spartan Wood. The large blade makes light work of any delivery box, so that all you have to worry about is cooking up your meal and pouring yourself a glass of something nice to go with it.
Useful Tricks
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