24 8月 2021

PR & Communications


Victorinox auctions a collector's item

A one-of-a-kind collector’s item: The first 30 knives from the “Swiss Champ Damast” limited edition of 6,000 pieces were assembled by hand by Victorinox CEO Carl Elsener. One of these sought-after Swiss Army Knives, Number 30, will be auctioned on eBay-for-Charity-Auction starting from August 27, 2021. The proceeds of the auction will be donated to the charity organization “Ein Herz für Kinder.”

For a traditional family-owned business like Victorinox, social responsibility and the welfare of children are important priorities. That is the reason why Victorinox, in cooperation with eBay-for-Charity-Auction, supports the internationally active aid organization "Ein Herz für Kinder", whose focus is on supporting children and families in need. As head of the family business, Carl Elsener also has a personal interest in this promotional event and is giving it his wholehearted support. “I had fun assembling with my own hands the 60 individual parts that make up each of the first 30 Swiss Champs. And it means a lot to me that one of these special knives, a collector’s item, will be auctioned, with the proceeds going to support a worthy cause,” explains the CEO of Victorinox AG.

The item donated for auction, the Multitool Swiss Champ Damast Limited Edition 2021, has Carl Elsener’s signature engraved on the small blade. This exclusive collector’s item would not be complete without a made-to-order presentation box, handcrafted from local cherry wood in Muotathal (Canton Schwyz), Switzerland.

We cordially invite Victorinox fans from around the world to submit their bids for the eBay-for-Charity-Auction of the unique Swiss Champ Damast Limited Edition 2021, which begins on August 27 and runs until September 7, 2021.

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Victorinox AG
Schmiedgasse 57
CH-6438 Ibach-Schwyz