Tips from the Experts Sharpen your Knife Skills

Knife skills videos to hone your cutting skills and slicing techniques

Here at Victorinox, we are not just experts in making knives. We’re also experts in using knives. Our team includes professional chefs, experienced butchers and trained cutlers. All this experience comes together with our extensive knowledge of stainless steel and its properties to make sure that we create kitchen knives with sharp blades and comfortable handles, helping you make the perfect cut.

Our knife experts share their knowledge with you. Do you want to hone your cutting techniques or learn some basic knife skills? Our videos will show you knife skills that go beyond just slicing and dicing. We’ll show you how to properly master your kitchen knife, plus teach you how to chop with flair, just like the pros.

For those who prefer to learn knife skills with an illustrated guide, we also have step-by-step instructions on how to cut various foods such as fish, beef or even onions properly.

How to Cut a Pineapple

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To properly cut a pineapple, follow these steps:

  • Slice off the top and the bottom of the pineapple. Slice off the skin thinly, using a large kitchen knife.
  • Take a smaller kitchen knife and remove the eyes of the pineapple, by making two diagonal cuts either side of the row of eyes. This helps to minimize waste.
  • Remove the core – either by slicing the pineapple into rounds and cutting out the core using a round cookie cutter, or by cutting the pineapple into quarters lengthways and slicing out the core.
  • Swiss Modern Chef's Knife
  • Swiss Modern Chef's Knife

Swiss Modern Chef's Knife

$ 39.00 $ 
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  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

$ 59.00 $ 
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How to Cut a Tomato

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To dice a tomato into small cubes, follow these steps:

  • Lay a tomato upside down and slice vertically but without cutting all the way through.
  • Turn the tomato 90 degrees and cut again – also without cutting all the way through.
  • Turn the tomato once more and cut – this time all the way through to make diced cubes.
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife
  • Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife

Swiss Classic Tomato and Table Knife

$ 9.75 $ 
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  • Swiss Classic Utility Block, 6 pieces

Swiss Classic Utility Block, 6 pieces

$ 58.99 $ 
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  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • Tomato and Kiwi Peeler
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器


HK$ 80 HK$ 
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  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶

Alliance Sport 計時碼錶

白色, 44 mm
HK$ 4,900 HK$ 
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  • 磨刀器
  • 磨刀器


HK$ 320 HK$ 
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  • Swiss Modern 主廚刀

Swiss Modern 主廚刀

HK$ 780 HK$ 
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  • Fieldforce Chrono
  • Fieldforce Chrono
  • Fieldforce Chrono
  • Fieldforce Chrono
  • Fieldforce Chrono
  • Fieldforce Chrono

Fieldforce Chrono

黑色, 42 mm
HK$ 5,400 HK$ 
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  • 切掉蘿蔔的一邊作為平坦的底部,這樣方便固定,也可以更精準下刀。
  • 沒有握刀的手要將手指縮起成爪狀。刀刃可順貼著這隻手的指關節下刀,這樣可以快速切割,同時能方便掌控又不會切傷手指!
  • 將蘿蔔切成條,然後輕搖廚刀,讓刀尖至刀根前後移動。
  • 要切細條,拿一條較寬的長條然後細細縱切,下刀時朝自己方向拉動。刀尖應朝下,而手柄在下刀時應稍微提高。


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  • 將洋蔥去皮並切半。建議您先留莖,因為這樣可使接下來的步驟較簡單。
  • 取長邊直切,不要完全切斷。記得,沒有握刀的手要將手指收起爪狀,以保安全和易於掌控。
  • 輕搖廚刀,也就是刀具移動的方向是從刀尖至刀根前後移動。
  • 水平橫切 2-3 次(記得不要完全切斷)。
  • 然後再以搖刀方式縱切,即可切碎。


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  • 把京蔥切半。
  • 沒有握刀的手要將手指縮起成爪狀
  • 要將京蔥切條,下刀時將刀往自己的方向拉,把京蔥切成細長條。刀尖應朝下,而手柄在下刀時應稍微提高。
  • 要將京蔥切成丁,可先拿一小把已經切成長條狀的京蔥,然後細細橫切即可切成丁。
  • 輕搖​廚刀,讓刀尖至刀根前後移動。


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  • 去除香草莖的葉子部分。
  • 沒有握刀的手要將手指縮起成爪狀
  • 將香草切成細段
  • 堆放略微切過的香草碎,然後將刀刃直接放在香草上。
  • 沒有拿刀的手稍微固定刀刃(小心不要太靠近鋒利處),並捏住靠近刀尖的位置
  • 同時上下移動刀柄,來回切碎香草。
  • 重複此動作,直到香草切成您需要的程度即可。


  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器
  • 蕃茄和奇異果削皮器


HK$ 80 HK$ 
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  • 多功能廚房剪
  • 多功能廚房剪


HK$ 220 HK$ 
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  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶
  • Alliance Sport 計時碼錶

Alliance Sport 計時碼錶

黑色, 44 mm
HK$ 5,300 HK$ 
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