Our functionality. Your personality. Personalize your travel gear

Get started:
Prove your purchase

To get a free scale, you need to present a proof of purchase of your Travel Gear during the scale order validation in our Brand Store located in Luis Pasteur 6396, Vitacura.

Only the products in the following collections are eligible for Travel Gear customization service:

Spectra 3.0
Architecture Urban2
Touring 2.0

Make it your own:
Personalize your scale

You've got the perfect Travel Gear, now choose an engraved scale to make it truly yours.

How to exchange the scale

In a few simple steps you can add your own personalized scale to your bag. Here‘s what to do.
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How to exchange the scale

Personalize your Luggage

Spectra 3.0 系列

Spectra 3.0 糅合環保物料、可擴展式隔層與巧妙設計,為旅行箱包帶來突破。這是全球首個採用 SORPLAS™ 高效能循環再造聚碳酸酯製造的系列,配備 Victorinox 穩定技術及循環再造的 SILVADUR™ 抗菌襯裡,打造出既能體現完美效能與無比耐用,又能減少碳排放的必備之選。
Spectra 3.0

Architecture Urban2 系列

Architecture Urban2 設計革新,技術領先,特別適合具創新精神的人士。城市商務袋系列不僅超越設計理念,而且更進一步,讓您添加自己的個人風格。實用功能及創新意念猶勝一籌,為電子用品提供 360°保護,特設抗菌襯裡,並儘量增加收納容量,從內至外都是明智的選擇。
Architecture Urban2

Touring 2.0

深入認識可應付所有需要的日常行李系列。Touring 2.0 具備雄心壯志及靈巧功能──輕巧的系列兼顧城市與戶外生活,可應付不同活動的需要,同時保持時尚。成為城市及戶外森林中的先鋒。多用途產品配備防水功能,並巧妙地在特定位置加入反光設計,以確保城市安全,不論在會議室或滑雪道,都能提供極致舒適及實用功能。
Touring 2.0