買刀指南 選擇哪款刀具?


買刀有時可能令您有點不知所措。想了解沖壓及鍛造刀具的區別? 不知道甚麼是直刃及波浪形刀刃? 或者只想知道哪款刀最適合您? 我們樂意為您提供協助── 我們的專家解答了購買刀具的部分最常見問題。



Victorinox 鍛造刀刃的碳成份較高,令鋼材更堅硬,可保持鋒利更長時間。由於採用單一配件鍛造而成,可避免您的手輕易從手柄滑至刀刃,而且鍛造刀具一般較重,手感上重量及平衡度較高,亮麗的造型更完美呈現出其卓越品質。優質的鍛造主廚刀既珍貴,又精緻,讓人感受到使用正確工具烹飪的喜悅之情。


  • Grand Maître 三德刀
  • Grand Maître 三德刀

Grand Maître 三德刀

HK$ 1,700 HK$ 
  • Grand Maître 主廚刀

Grand Maître 主廚刀

HK$ 1,900 HK$ 


Victorinox 的廚房刀具及廚具配備多款手柄,基本選擇可以概括地歸類為合成或木製,各項選擇又有何優劣之處呢?

合成手柄刀具可用洗碗機清洗,容易清潔,而且通常較輕巧,因此更適合長時間使用。我們提供各式各樣合成手柄──色彩繽紛的 Swiss Modern 系列採用聚丙烯共聚物 (PPC),Swiss Classic 系列的超耐用手柄採用合成物料 (聚丙烯 PP),Grand Maître 系列現配備倍感順滑的聚甲醛 (Polyoxymethylene)手柄。

木製手柄刀具切勿放入洗碗機,因為熱能和化學物質會導致木材過熱、變乾,甚至破裂,但木製手柄手感溫暖、自然,絕對值得您親手清洗,並使用亞麻籽油等常見的食用油保持清新亮麗。超卓的 Grand Maître 刀具配備加工楓木手柄,尤其適合鍛造刀迷,Wood 系列亦提供配備加工楓木手柄的沖壓刀具,Swiss Modern 系列則可滿足更多需要,胡桃木手柄設計符合人體工學,而且時尚奪目。


  • Swiss Classic Carving Set, 2 pieces
  • Swiss Classic Carving Set, 2 pieces

Swiss Classic Carving Set, 2 pieces

¥ 11,000 ¥ 
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

¥ 9,900 ¥ 
  • Grand Maître Carving Knife

Grand Maître Carving Knife

¥ 25,300 ¥ 

Which Type of Handle to Choose

Simply put, there is no right or wrong answer here. Your choice should again be the one that’s the most comfortable for you to hold. So whether it’s the refined feel of the Grand Maître knives, the durable comfort of the Swiss Classic collection or the ergonomic design look and feel of Swiss Modern, we recommend you go to the nearest Victorinox store and try out each knife before making your decision. We always test a variety of curves and contours that fit all different kinds of hands. So big or small, fine or strong, there’s something for everyone.
  • Grand Maître Santoku Knife
  • Grand Maître Santoku Knife

Grand Maître Santoku Knife

¥ 25,300 ¥ 
  • Swiss Modern Santoku Knife
  • Swiss Modern Santoku Knife

Swiss Modern Santoku Knife

¥ 8,580 ¥ 
  • Swiss Modern Santoku Knife
  • Swiss Modern Santoku Knife

Swiss Modern Santoku Knife

¥ 8,580 ¥ 
  • Grand Maître Carving Knife

Grand Maître Carving Knife

¥ 25,300 ¥ 

Straight Edge, Wavy Edge or Fluted Edge?

Confused as to why we offer two types of steak knives? The answer is simple: the straight edge is designed to cut smoothly and cleanly through the meat, without tearing or ripping. This is the blade preferred by meat connoisseurs and is ideal for perfectly tender meat. The wavy edge blades are ideal if you need to cut through meat that might be tougher. This particular edge also makes the knife a great all-rounder – it’s ideal for cutting pizza, pies or pastries, too.

You might also ask yourself the same question for our Santoku knives. Why offer the same knife with both a fluted edge and a straight edge? We prefer the fluted edge because the flutes let air between food and blade, making what you’re cutting less likely to stick to the blade. Which makes chopping smoother, faster and more efficient. And then there are some cooks who love the straighter Japanese shape of the Santoku blade, but find the flutes don’t make a difference for their own particular style of chopping or slicing.

If you are a heavy user of your knives and need to sharpen them a lot, the straight edge would be a better choice. If you sharpen so much that you get down to the flutes of the fluted edge blade, it will eventually interfere with your slicing edge. But this will probably only happen to professional chefs using the blade over a number of years.

Overall, we tend to recommend the fluted edge. We also have carving knives with a fluted edge because it makes the meat less likely to stick to the blade.
  • Grand Maître Santoku Knife
  • Grand Maître Santoku Knife

Grand Maître Santoku Knife

¥ 25,300 ¥ 
  • Swiss Classic Santoku Knife

Swiss Classic Santoku Knife

¥ 6,600 ¥ 

Blade Length or Blade Width

We often offer the same blade in different lengths – so which should you choose? Our filleting knife comes in both 16 and 20cm versions. The rule of thumb is that the blade should be approximately 5cm bigger than the fish you are filleting. It’s a bit more complex for our carving knives, because we provide anything from 15 to 25cm blade-length. Smaller blades will give you versatility and agility, but if you’re going to be slicing larger items like watermelon or pumpkins, then the bigger the blade the better. Having the necessary length ensures less risk of slipping or getting stuck, and less risk of injury.

Our carving knives also come in two widths – normal or extra-wide. The extra-wide is ideal if you are carving large joints of meat like roast beef or turkey, because it lends the blade more precision and power for smoother slices.

Our pro tip: you should also match the blade length to that of your cutting board. If you use one that’s too small, it’s harder to cut through large fruit, vegetables, meat or even bread in one slice. That’s not only more work: you may also risk injuring yourself.
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

¥ 9,900 ¥ 
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife
  • Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

Swiss Modern Chef’s Knife

¥ 8,250 ¥ 