From Desk to Destination
A stylist shares her expert tips and tricks on packing when you’re going straight from work to your long weekend break
Pack like a Pro: How to Pack a Carry On Bag for a Long Weekend Break
It’s Thursday evening, 5pm, and time to head to the airport for your long weekend break. Of course by far the most practical option is to travel with hand luggage only, to save yourself time and hassle at the baggage carousel and so that you can make the most of your precious trip.
But what should you pack in order to make the most out of the contents of your luggage? As professional stylist and visual merchandizer, Katrin Legandt says her number one tip is “Be decisive”!
The following four tips are her expert advice on how to pack exactly what you need and only what you need when traveling without check-in luggage:
Ask the Question
Step 1: When you are packing, ask yourself the following questions: Where are you traveling to? What are you going to experience there? What will the weather be like? Beach, culture, shopping or hiking? Think carefully about the activities you really want to undertake on this trip and what you will need to do them. Be realistic and take a decision accordingly.
The Basics as your Building Blocks
Step 2: Choose a basic wardrobe in simple colors. The goal is that everything will combine easily with each other and with other colors too. That’s why you should pack around 80% of your suitcase with beige, white, navy blue, black and/or grey clothes. Try to stick to around three of these colors, that should be more than enough to provide some variety on your long weekend.
A Splash of Color
Step 3: Choose your seasonal colors that will add a splash of brightness to your wardrobe’s palette. I recommend a maximum of two bright colors, both of which need to work with the simple colors of your basic wardrobe. If your two bright colors also match with each other, then so much the better – you’ll have even more combinations to choose from.
Best Foot Forward
Step 4: Shoes. Doesn’t matter if you are male or female, you need only two pairs of shoes! This includes the ones you are wearing when you leave the office. Choose your second pair according to what activities you’ll be doing during your long weekend trip, for example take a pair of sandals for the beach or for having a coffee in the city, or take a pair of comfy sports shoes if you plan to walk a lot, be it in museums or in nature.
As a general rule of thumb, I recommend packing two pairs of pants, five tops and one pair of shoes in your carry on. Ladies could substitute one pair of pants with a skirt or dress, if they wish to have more variety. Combined with what you are wearing when you leave the office, you should have more than enough to give you plenty of choice on your long weekend break.
Below are Katrin’s workbags, which will show you exactly how to put her advice into practice. Happy packing!
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