Privacy Policy

We commit to a responsible handling of your personal data. As a result, we comply with the legal requirements of the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “PDPO”) and other provisions of Hong Kong data protection law.

1 Contact

1.1 Name and address of Victorinox

The responsible entity with regards to the Hong Kong PDPO and other data protection laws as well as other data protection regulations is:

Victorinox Hong Kong Limited
Office 1A, 3/F., Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre
223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone +852 2345 0211

1.2 Name and address of the representative

The representative with regards to the PDPO and other data protection laws of Hong Kong as well as other data protection regulations is:

Victorinox Hong Kong Limited
Office 1A, 3/F., Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre
223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Kowloon, Hong Kong

1.3 Data Protection Coordination Office

For any questions regarding data protection please contact our Data Protection Coordination Office via

2 Scope and purpose of the collection, processing and use of personal data

We collect your personal information in the following cases and for the following purposes:

  • Creation of a customer account
  • Orders (only relevant in markets with online shop)
  • Inquiries via the contact form
  • Agreement of an appointment
  • Newsletter Sign up
  • Credit checks (only relevant in markets with online shop)
  • to carry out sweepstakes
  • Optimization of the website (adaptation of the website to your needs)
  • Defense and recording of hacking attacks
  • Creation of usage statistics
  • Marketing and market research

2.1 Visiting the website

When you visit our website, our servers temporarily store the following data in a log file called server log files. The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of its collection.

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of access / retrieval
  • URL of the retrieved data
  • Operating system and type of your computer and the browser you use
  • Country from which you access our website
  • Name of your Internet access provider
  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Access status / HTTP status code
  • Transferred amount of data
  • Last visited website
  • Browser settings 
  • Language and version of your browser software
  • Enabled browser plugins

The legal basis for the temporary storage of personal data and log files is legitimate interest. Legitimate interest exists

  • to deliver the contents of our website correctly
  • to optimize the content of our website as well as the advertising for it
  • provide law enforcement agencies with the necessary information for prosecution in the event of a cyber attack
  • to further improve our offer and our website
  • to collect statistical data
  • as well as for processing orders in our online shop

In addition to processing your data to fulfill your purchase, we use your information to constantly improve your shopping experience and make it customer-friendly, to communicate with you about your orders, as well as to provide information about specific products or marketing promotions and to recommend products or services that may interest you.

2.2 Newsletter

On our website, you have the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter. The newsletter dispatch takes place based on your registration on the website. The legal basis for the processing of the data after the user has registered for the newsletter is your consent. Hence, for the processing of the data, your consent is obtained during the registration process and reference is made to this privacy policy.

By providing your above mentioned data, you consent to us being able to use the newsletter to send you news about products, promotions, sweepstakes, events and news about the product categories knives, watches, luggage and perfume.

In addition, the following data is collected upon registration:

  • IP address of the calling computer
  • Date and time of registration
  • Originating source of your registration (e.g. website, waitlist)

We process this data on the basis of legitimate interests. We need them to send you the newsletters.

You have the option to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time and to revoke the consent given by you. You will also find the link to the unsubscribe page in each newsletter. We store your data until you unsubscribe from the newsletter.

2.3 Contact form

When contacting us (via contact form), the information provided by you will be used to process the contact request. If you want to contact us, the following information is mandatory, and serves to be able to process your request:

  • Title 
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Country
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone
  • Reason for the request / subject

The legal basis for processing the data is our legitimate interest in this service. If the registration serves the fulfillment of a contract of which you are a party or the implementation of pre-contractual measures, this is an additional legal basis for the processing of the data. Your data will be erased as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of the collection.

2.4 Market Research

The data collected in the context of market and opinion research will not be used for advertising purposes. Detailed information (especially on the evaluation of your information) can be found in the context of the respective survey or where you provide your responses. Your responses to surveys will neither be shared with third parties nor published. The legal basis for the processing of the data is the existence of a consent from you.

2.5 Contests and sweepstakes

In sweepstakes, we use your data for the purposes of winning notification and promotion of our offers. Detailed information can be found in our terms and conditions for the respective competition.

2.6 Online Store

2.6.1 General

If you want to use the services of our online shop, it is necessary that you provide us with the data necessary to process the order. The mandatory data required for the processing of the contractually required information are marked separately. The provision of additional information is optional.

It is up to you whether you would like to provide your order details for only this order, or if you want to create a customer account where your data will be stored for later purchases. We store your data for the purpose of contract fulfillment and delete it as soon as we are no longer legally obliged to store. As part of the order processing, the service providers we use (such as transporters, logistics companies and payment service providers) receive the necessary data for order processing. These data include – among others - your e-mail address and telephone number, for example to clarify questions about delivery or payment with you. The responsibility for your payment data is borne by the selected payment service provider.

2.6.2 Creating a customer account and writing reviews

With the opening of a customer account, you will receive password-protected access to your data. You can view your personal data and manage newsletter preferences.

To open a customer account, you must provide the following information:

  • Your email address
  • Password
  • Title
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Country
  • Language

If users have terminated their user account, their data will be deleted with respect to the user account, subject to legal retention requirements. It is your responsibility to secure your data upon termination prior to the end of the contract. We are entitled to erase all data stored during the term of the contract irrevocably.

You will be given the opportunity to rate products and comment on them. For this we need your name or a pseudonym, which is displayed on the website together with your country of origin. For this we use the technology of Bazaarvoice Ltd. (10901 Stonelake Blvd, Austin, TX 78759, USA), which stores cookies on your computer (for more information on cookies and how to disable them, see below). Bazaarvoice is certified under the Privacy Shield. You will also be given the opportunity to participate in a Customer Satisfaction Survey (provided by SurveyMonkey Europe UC, Shelbourne Buildings 2, Shelbourne Road, Dublin, Ireland). This survey is anonymous. We use these technologies to improve the customer experience and to respond to customer needs for which there is a legitimate interest.

2.7 Use of e-mail communication

To improve electronic communication, for which there is legitimate interest, we can analyze the usage behavior of emails sent by the company. We analyze the links contained in these emails, e.g. which links are clicked directly. This information is assigned to specific user profiles. This allows us to identify the areas that are most interesting to registered email recipients. We use this information to personalize content and ad campaigns that are displayed to web page visitors and email recipients.

2.8 Use of Sprinklr

We use the service of Sprinklr,Inc.(29 West 35th Street New York, NY 10001. USA) to share photos with our products as inspiration for others. Sprinklr collects suitable images on Instagram or Twitter, which shall be displayed on our website and will be linked to the Instagram or Twitter account owner. This allows us to present our products and how they are presented on social media, for which there is a legitimate interest. Before pictures are published, the consent of the account holder is explicitly obtained. For more information, visit

3 Cancellation

We process and store your personal data only for the period required to achieve the purpose of the collection or as provided by laws or regulations to which we are subject. If the purpose of the storage is omitted or if a prescribed retention period expires, the personal data will be routinely blocked or deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions. In addition, we will delete your data if you ask us to do so by sending an email to and if we have no legal or other obligation to retain or save this data.

4 Disclosure to third parties

We only pass on your data if you have expressly consented to this, we are legally obliged to do so or to the extent that this is within the scope of using the website and answering questions, processing enquiries or for possible services requested by you. In addition, we may transmit your data to affiliated group companies in accordance with the imprint.

The use of the disclosed data to third parties is strictly limited to the purposes mentioned. These third party companies are required to maintain the privacy of you to the same extent as we do ourselves.

We share your personal information with the following categories of recipients:

  • Companies within Victorinox Group
  • Service Operators
  • Commercial partners, e.g. licensees
  • Partner companies for credit check and debt collection
  • Logistics Partners
  • Call centre
  • Market research companies (to get your feedback on products as well as the ordering and delivery process)
  • Hosting Partners
  • Authorities

If we use subcontractors to provide our services, we will take appropriate legal precautions and corresponding technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of personal data is in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions.

5 Targeting

By means of a cookie technology, based on legitimate interest, data is collected for the purpose of optimising our advertising and the entire online offer. These data are not used to identify you personally,but serve only a pseudonymous evaluation of the use of the website. Your data will never be merged with the personal data stored by us. With this technology, we can present relevant content (advertising and/or special offers and services). Our aim here is to make our offers as attractive as possible for you and to present you products and services that correspond to your areas of interest.

You can prevent targeting at any time by rejecting or deactivating the corresponding cookies in the menu bar of the web browser (for more information, see "Cookies").

6 Retargeting

Our websites use so-called re-targeting technologies. We use these technologies to make our website more interesting to you. This technique allows us to show you personalised advertising on our partners' websites. We believe that the display of personalised, interest-based advertising is more relevant to you than advertising that has no such personal reference. The insertion of this advertising material on websites of our partners is based on cookie technology and an analysis of the previous usage behaviour. This form of advertising is completely anonymous. No personal data will be stored and no usage profiles will be merged with your personal data.

At any time, you can prevent re-targeting by rejecting or deactivating the relevant cookies in the menu bar of the Web browser (see "Cookies" below).

7 Cookies

7.1 What cookies are

Our website uses so-called cookies. Cookies are information transmitted by our web server or third-party web servers to users' web browsers and stored there for later retrieval. Cookies can be small files or other means of information storage.

7.2 Why we use cookies

By means of a cookie, the information and offers on our website can be optimised in your favor. Cookies enable us to recognise website visitors. The purpose of this recognition is to facilitate the use of our website. In addition, a number of analysis tools and online advertising services described below also use cookies. The use of cookies is based on legitimate interest.

7.3 Which cookies we use

This website uses the following cookies:

  • Session cookies
  • Session-wide cookies
  • Non-personal cookies
  • Preference cookies
  • Performance cookies
  • Third party cookies

Temporary cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser. These include in particular session cookies. These store a so-called session ID, with which various requests from your browser can be assigned to the corresponding session. This will allow your computer to be recognised when you return to the website. We use this type of cookies to ensure the operation and functionality of our website.

Session-overlapping cookies remain on your hard drive beyond the session. Thanks to these cookies in particular, we can make our offer more user-friendly. For example, your shopping cart can be retrieved during your next visit.

Non-personal cookies do not transfer personal data to us, e.g. statistics cookies. They help us to understand how visitors interact with web pages by collecting and reporting information anonymously. Preference cookies allow a web page to remember information that affects the way a web page behaves or looks like, such as your preferred language or region you are in.

We use performance cookies to gather information about how you use our services. This helps us to improve our services. For example, we may use these cookies to determine if you have accessed a particular page.

We also use some advertising partners to help make the website and websites more interesting to you. Therefore, when visiting our website(s), cookies of partner companies are stored on your hard drive (so-called third-party cookies). For information on using third-party cookies, see the "Web Analytics Tools" sections.

7.4 Rejection of cookies

Accepting cookies is not a requirement for visiting our websites.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. If you do not wish this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases. You can also set your browser so that no cookies are stored on your computer or you receive a warning message when a new cookie arrives. For example, some browsers allow to accept first-party cookies but block third-party cookies.

Furthermore, cookies that are already set on your device can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programmes. This is possible in all common internet browsers. A general refusal of cookies can be maintained in the settings of your web browser.

8 Pixels, local storage and similar technologies

We also use other technologies, such as counting pixels and local storage. We use these technologies based on our legitimate interest, for example, to examine which features are particularly popular in order to create a more personal user experience and to promote user-relevant advertising.

Counting pixels (also referred to as Clear GIFs, Web Beacons, or Pixel Tags) are small code units installed in or on a web page, mobile app, or advertisement. These pixels can retrieve specific information about your browser and device, such as the operating system, browser type, device type and version, referring web page, website visited, IP address, and other similar information.

We use the following counting pixels:

  • Bazaarvoice
  • Sprinklr
  • Facebook
  • Google Analytics
  • Google AdWords
  • Bing ads
  • Hotjar

We also use counting pixels in our newsletter. For each newsletter sent, there is information about the e-mail address used, the subject and the number of sent newsletters. In addition, it can be seen which addresses have not yet received the newsletter, which e-mail addresses have received the newsletter and for which addresses the delivery failed. We analyse open rates, click rates and unsubscribe rates. We use this data for statistical purposes and to optimise the content and structure of the newsletter. This allows us to better align the information and offers in our newsletter with the individual interests of the recipients. The counting pixel is deleted when you delete the newsletter. In order to stop the use of the pixel in our newsletter, if this is not already the case by default, configure your mail programme so that no HTML is displayed in messages.

9 Web analysis tools

9.1 Principles

Our website uses features of the following web analytics services:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google AdWords
  • Google DoubleClick
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Affilinet
  • Getback
  • Friendify
  • Kameleoon
  • Hotjar
  • Adform
  • Outbrain
  • Plista
  • Pingdom

Details regarding individual web analysis services can be found in the following sections.

9.2 Google Analytics

We are using, based on our legitimate interest (i.e., interest in analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our online offering) Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google," 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within our online offer and to provide us with further services related to the use of our online offer. In this case, pseudonymous usage profiles of the users can be created from the processed data. These usage profiles are automatically deleted after 26 months. We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymisation Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. The IP address provided by the user's browser will not be merged with any other data provided by Google.

You may prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of our online offer as well as the processing of this data by Google by clicking the link available below. Download and install browser plugin: Further information on the use of data by Google as well as options to maintain settings: Visit Google's websites: (Use of data by Google when you use websites or our apps partners), (data usage for promotional purposes), (manage information that Google uses to show you advertising).

9.3 Google AdWords

Based on legitimate interest, the advertising program "Google AdWords", which belongs to Google Marketing Services Online, is used. Google AdWords places a cookie on your computer ("conversion cookie") if you have reached our website via a Google ad. These cookies expire after 30 days and are not for personal identification. If you visit certain pages on our website and the cookie has not expired, we and Google may recognise that someone clicked on the ad and was redirected to our site. Every advertiser receives a different cookie. Cookies can not be tracked through the websites of advertisers. The information gathered using the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords advertisers who have opted for conversion tracking. We do not receive any information that personally identifies you.

The information collected by the cookie about your use of the website is usually transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Based on the collected information, interest-relevant categories are assigned to your browser. These categories are used to serve interest-based advertising.

We use the data about you acquired with the aforementioned cookie (so-called conversion tracking) for the following purposes:

  • Remarketing
  • Target groups with common interests
  • Custom audiences with common interests
  • Ready to buy target groups
  • Similar audiences
  • Demographic and geographic orientation.

9.4 Google DoubleClick

We use Google's DoubleClick feature on our websites to evaluate the use of the website and allow us, Google and other advertisers working with DoubleClick to present user-relevant advertising. For this, a cookie is installed on the hard disk of your computer. By using this cookie, your browser will be assigned a pseudonymous identification number and information about the advertisement displayed in your browser and its call will be collected. The information collected by the cookie about your use of websites is usually transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Based on the collected information, interest-relevant categories are assigned to your browser. These categories are used to deliver interest-based advertising. In addition to changing your browser settings, you can also permanently disable the DoubleClick cookie by using a browser plug-in. The plug-in will keep your deactivation settings for this browser, even if you delete all cookies. For a permanent deactivation browser plug-in, please visit

9.5 Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a solution that allows marketers to manage website tags through one interface. We use Google Tag Manager to integrate and manage the Google analytics and marketing services in our website. The Tag Manager tool itself, which implements the tags, is a cookie-less domain and does not collect personally identifiable information. However, the tool triggers other tags, which may collect data. Google Tag Manager itself does not access this data.

9.6 Affilinet

Affilinet is a service of Affilinet GmbH, Sapporobogen 6, 80637 Munich, Germany. Affiliate systems are based on the principle of agency commission. The affiliation happens in the World Wide Web through a link. Such an affiliate link contains a special code that uniquely identifies the affiliate to the merchant. In simple terms, this means that the dealer can tell from whom the customer was sent by means of the link with the partner identifier. The commission is paid for the mere clicks on the advertising material ("Click"), the transmission of qualified customer contacts ("Lead") or the sale ("Sale"). In contrast to the merchant (here also programme provider or operator) who offers goods or services, the affiliate thus acts only as an interface between merchants and potential customers.

If someone clicks on such an affiliate link, he or she will be redirected to the page of the corresponding merchant. In this case, parameters are transmitted which enable the specific attribution of the generated sales by a publisher. This method is called tracking. For example, cookie tracking allows you to associate and track a visitor with a cookie. The stored cookies on the visitor's hard disk enable the subsequent recognition and tracking (even with time-delayed and interrupted interactivity). Cookies tracking is the most used method of affiliate marketing to associate a person with the affiliate.

9.7 Getback and Friendify

Getback and Friendify are technologies of adfocus GmbH, Zug, Switzerland. We integrate this technology into our website, where data such as the IP address or the shopping basket content can be exchanged with adfocus. At the same time, adfocus may only process the data of our customers on our behalf in the way that we ourselves are entitled to.

Getback is used to improve targeted communication with our existing and future customers. With this technology, for example, when visiting our online shop, we can remind our customers about forgotten orders and point out special offers or our customers can have their shopping cart sent to them by e-mail for later use.

Friendify is used so that the website can be recommended to third parties. We use these technologies on a legitimate basis so that we can offer our website on a sustained, secure and reliable basis and promote our offer.

9.8 Kameleoon

Kameleoon is a service provided by SAS Kameleoon, 12 rue de la Chaussée d'Antin, 75009 Paris, France. Kameleoon is used to perform A/B testing, improve user experience and personalize content. For this purpose, pseudonymized IDs and cookie IDs are used, which are stored on your computer. This enables an analysis of the use of our website and its optimization, in which there is a legitimate interest. Before further processing, your IP address is anonymized and replaced by a shortened, no longer assignable IP address. A direct reference to a person is thus excluded. You can prevent the storage of Kameleoon cookies by setting your browser software accordingly. For more information, please see Kameleoon's privacy policy at

9.9 Hotjar

Hotjar is an analysis service of Hotjar Ltd. (St Julian's Business Center, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian's STJ 1000, Malta, Europe). We use Hotjar in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimise this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.) and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices (in particular device's IP address (captured and stored only in anonymised form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), preferred language used to display our website). Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymised user profile. Neither Hotjar nor we will ever use this information to identify individual users or to match it with further data on an individual user. For further details, please see Hotjar’s privacy policy by clicking on this link.

You can opt-out to the creation of a user profile, Hotjar’s storing of data about your usage of our site and Hotjar’s use of tracking cookies on other websites by following this opt-out link.

9.10 Adform

Adform is a service of Adform A/S (Wildersgade 10B, 1408 Copenhagen, Denmark). This service is used for tracking and managing digital advertising campaigns where there is a legitimate interest to do so.

Adform uses cookies, which are stored on your computer, but which do not contain any personal data, such as your name, email addresses, or other personal information. These cookies contain technical information, such as, for example, the display frequency and display date of advertising media, the browser used, or the operating system installed. It is not possible to identify you personally with this process. Adform does not store complete IP addresses; the last octet is always dropped.

You can object to the use of cookies for tracking purposes by clicking on the following link: By doing this, a so-called OptOut cookie will be stored on your device, which indicates to our technical systems that, in future, any further data tracking or the storage of cookies is not permitted.

9.11 Outbrain

This site uses technology from Outbrain Inc. ("Outbrain", 39 W 13th Street New York, NY 10011 USA). This makes it possible to target or collect analytics regarding those internet users with advertisements who have already been interested in our offers on our partners' websites. The technology depends cookie-based analysis of user's behavior. This advertisment will only appear on Outbrain, either on the Outbrain Engage or the Outbrain Extended Network. If you do not want to see interest-based advertising, you can disable this feature here.

9.12 Plista

Our website / app is supported by a fully-automated recommendation technology developed and provided by plista GmbH, Torstrasse 33, 10119 Berlin. With the help of this technology, we would like to improve the relevance of our website / app by recommending to you, our users, articles and advertisements that are tailored to your individual interests (known as interest-based advertising). In order to be able to display interest-based advertising, plista evaluates information about the usage behavior of website/app users across the plista partner network. Such usage data is collected by plista via cookies and combined with a random identifier (cookie ID) or transmitted to plista together with an advertising ID (IDFA or others) by the respective provider (in mobile app environments).

You can find more detailed information about this and plista’s privacy policy here: You are of course free to disable interest-based advertising from plista at any time by opting out via this link or by deactivating “Ad Tracking” in the data protection settings of your device (for mobile applications).

9.13 Pingdom

Our website uses "Pingdom", a service of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC (7171 Southwest Parkway, Bldg 400, Austin, Texas 78735, USA) in order to statistically analyze visitor accesses. We use Pingdom for optimization purposes, in particular to analyze the use of our website and to be able to continuously improve individual functions as well as the user experience. Through the statistical evaluation of user behavior, we can improve our systems and make it more reliable for you as a user. This is also our legitimate interest in the processing of the above data by the third-party provider.Pingdom uses cookies to analyze your use of our website. Your IP address and activities on our websites may be transmitted to and stored by Pingdom. It is, however, not possible to establish a link to an identified person in this connection, since your IP address is anonymized immediately after processing and prior to storage. By deactivating the execution of Java Script or installing an appropriate noscript tool, you can prevent the collection and forwarding of personal data and the processing of this data. Further information on data protection when using Pingdom can be found at the following link:

9.14 Tangiblee

Tangiblee uses cookies on your website as well as within our widget to track performance in order to show the ROI of Tangiblee as well as track behavior in order to continually improve the experience.
We’ve optimized our cookies to ensure they are as small as possible and do not impact performance of your website.
Further details can be found here :

10 Social plugins / social media functionalities

10.1 What Social Plugins are

Plugins are small programmes or programme packages with which software can be adapted and extended according to your own needs. Many programmes such as graphics programmes, media players or Internet browsers in their basic version support the functions that the normal user needs. Increasingly, such programmes are flexible and there are extensive possibilities for expansion through plug-ins or add-ons.

10.2 Which plugins we use

On our website, we have built links to our social media profiles on the following social networks: 

  • Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
  • Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, United States
  • Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States
  • Youtube, a service operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater, Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

When you open a link to one of our social media profiles, a direct connection is made between your browser and the server of the social network. This gives the network the information that you have visited our website with your IP address and called up the link. If you access a link to a network while logged in to your account, the contents of our page may be linked to your profile on the network. This means that the network can assign your visit of our website directly to your user account and we will receive personal data such as name, email, location, friend list and profile picture. Through this data we can provide certain features on our pages. If you want to prevent this, you should log out before clicking on the appropriate links. An assignment takes place in any case, if you log in to the relevant network after pressing the link.

If you are logged in to Facebook, Google or Instagram while visiting our website via your user account, the respective provider can also assign the visit to the page to your user account. If you interact with a plug-in, for example by clicking the "Like" or "g+1" button, the corresponding information is also transmitted directly to a server of the respective provider in the USA and stored there. The information is also published via your user account in the respective social network and displayed there to your contacts.

Even if you are not logged in to the plug-in providers while visiting our website, the data collected by the plug-ins may be associated with your individual user account. A plug-in sets a cookie with an ID each time the web page is called. Since your browser sends this cookie unsolicited with each connection to a server of the respective provider, Facebook, Google and Instagram could thus in principle create a profile regarding which website the user belonging to the ID has called. If necessary, it would then be possible to assign this identifier later - for example, when later logging in to the provider - again to a person.

If you do not wish to be assigned to your profile by the plug-in provider, you must log out of the respective service before you visit our website. In addition, you can choose the option "Block cookies from third-party providers" in your browser settings, then your browser will not send any cookies to the respective server of the social network. With this setting, however, in addition to the plug-ins, other cross-page functions of other providers may no longer work.

For further information on the purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective provider: There you will also find further information on your rights and options to protect your privacy and your right to object to the creation of user profiles:

11 Facebook Connect

We offer the feature "Facebook Connect", which is offered by Facebook Inc., as an option for you to create your customer account as well as for logging into our website and applications.

If you want to use this function, you will first be redirected to Facebook. There you will be requested to log in with your username and password. We do not get access to your registration data. If you are already logged in to Facebook, this step will be skipped.

Afterwards Facebook will inform you which data are transmitted to us (public profile, friend list, e-mail address and current place of residence). You confirm with the button «OK». With the transmitted data we will create your customer account, whereby your friend list is not stored by us. For logging in via Facebook login, a Facebook generated unique token (a long string of letters and numbers) is also stored, which is exchanged during the login process for secure authentication with Facebook.

The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook, as well as your rights in this regard and setting options to protect your privacy, please refer to the privacy policy of Facebook.

12 Your rights

With respect to your data, you have the following rights: Get information about stored data, Correction, Deletion, Restriction, Transfer, Objection and Revocation. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority.

If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, please contact

Please note that the law requires certain data to be kept for a certain period of time. Such data must therefore remain stored with us until the expiration of these deadlines. We lock this data in our system and only use it to fulfill legal requirements.

13 Use of the website by minors

The website is aimed at an adult audience. It is prohibited for minors, especially children under the age of 16, to transfer personally identifiable information to us or to sign up for a service. If we notice that such data have been transmitted to us, they will be deleted from our database. The child's parent (or legal guardian) can contact us and apply for cancellation or deregistration. We require a copy of an official document identifying you as a parent or guardian.

14 Data security

We take technical and organisational precautions to protect your personal data against tampering, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised persons, and to protect your rights and compliance with applicable data protection laws.

The measures taken are designed to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data and to ensure the long-term availability and resilience of our systems and services when processing your data. They should also ensure the rapid restoration of data availability and access to them in the event of a physical or technical incident.

Our data processing and security measures are constantly being improved in line with technological developments.

We also take our own corporate privacy very seriously. Our employees and the service companies commissioned by us are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection regulations. Moreover, access to the personal data is only granted to them as far as necessary.

15 Changes to the privacy policy

This Privacy Policy may be supplemented or changed by Victorinox at any time. All changes and additions are at the sole discretion of Victorinox.

Last revision: May 12, 2023.