环保旅行 生态旅行小贴士





如果您喜欢国际旅行,请选择一个致力于可持续发展的目的地。联系当地的旅游局或在网上快速搜索一下,都可以检索出 最环保的城市和国家清单。每个国家衡量可持续发展的方式都会有所不同,所以要花一些时间来确定他们的可持续发展政策中的哪些方面最能引起您的共鸣。一些衡量良好的空气质量,而另一些则注重步行友好性得分高和当地农贸市场的数量。

选择不太知名的目的地或淡季旅行是另一种有意识的旅行方式。您还可以考虑将生态志愿服务纳入您的旅行日程。许多 组织都有一些项目,与该地区的游客合作,共同帮助保护自然环境。

可持续旅行不仅是为了降低碳足迹,也是为了关爱和支持当地社区。当地人保护自己的社区的动力很足。您的资金可以对当地的人和环境产生积极影响,这是最直接的一种方式。寻找在工人权利、包容性和对当地社区的影响方面坚守可持续标准的住宿、旅行社和导游。把钱花在当地的生意上可以确保更多的钱留在 生活在当地的人们手中。


Where to Stay

Many accommodation services have integrated environmental and social responsibility into their business models. Some established venues have taken the route of obtaining eco-certification. However, it’s not to say that locally-run accommodation such as homestays and farm stays aren’t eco-worthy too.

There are also accommodation search services that plant trees for every booking made or donate a portion of profits to social and sustainability projects in local areas.

Tiny houses, log cabins and tents are eco by nature and have less environmental impact. House swapping is another low-cost option that leaves a lighter footprint.

Travel Gear for International Adventures

  • Werks Traveler 6.0 Softside Medium Case
  • Werks Traveler 6.0 Softside Medium Case

Werks Traveler 6.0 Softside Medium Case

blue, 75 l
CLP 379,900 CLP 
  • Lexicon Hardside Medium
  • Lexicon Hardside Medium

Lexicon Hardside Medium

black, 73 l
CLP 469,900 CLP 

How to Get There

The most sustainable means of traveling will depend on several variables. It is safe to say that train travel has a lower carbon footprint than traveling by plane or car. The most polluting form of transport is the short-haul flight because fuel consumption is the highest during take-off and landing.

​​​​​​​ It’s fair to conclude that any travel less than 500km should first be considered by train or car. Several useful sites will help you calculate and compare emission and energy consumption per journey by air, train and car.

Great Gear for Train Travel

  • Altmont Professional Wheeled Laptop Backpack

Altmont Professional Wheeled Laptop Backpack

black, 20 l
CLP 199,900 CLP 

What to Pack

Packing consciously might seem like a small contribution to sustainable travel, but even small choices can have a big impact.

Chemical-free sunscreens and skincare are worth considering after Hawaii banned sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate in 2018. Scientists found that these chemicals increase the rate of coral bleaching and are detrimental to coral growth.

To reduce single-use plastic when on the road, travel with reusable water bottles, coffee cups, snack containers and cutlery. There are also many exciting eco-friendly alternatives to wasteful travel-sized toiletries. Try swapping shower gel for soap and bottled shampoo for shampoo bars.  Discover deodorants that come in creams or toothbrushes made from biodegradable materials.

To finalize your packing, you will need something functional and stylish to hold all these items. Lightweight gear will make travel easy and enjoyable, while quality construction will ensure longevity. Durable, after all, is sustainable.

Lightweight Companions for Green Travel

  • Altmont Active Lightweight Compact Backpack
  • Altmont Active Lightweight Compact Backpack
  • Altmont Active Lightweight Compact Backpack

Altmont Active Lightweight Compact Backpack

black, 18 l
CLP 74,900 CLP 

Tips on Sustainable Travel for Families

Many parents view traveling sustainably a crucial part of teaching the next generation about the importance of protecting our planet. The ToptoTop expedition are a huge source of inspiration for us and we are one of their official sponsors as they travel across the planet, educating everyone they meet about climate change.

The family consists of Dario, a climatologist, and Sabine, a nurse, along with their six children. With their eldest daughter, Salina, already an accomplished public speaker, the children are just as powerful ambassadors for sustainable living as their parents. As Dario and Sabine point out: “We have found that our message is much more effective when our children talk to their peers”. Their own experiences were at the forefront of their minds as this well-traveled and adventurous family sat down together to share with us their tips for sustainable travel.

Take Your Time

“It’s crucial that you adapt yourself to the rhythm of nature” says Dario, “If you have only a limited amount of time, you might rush your plans. Maybe you’ll disregard an avalanche warning with hazardous consequences”. Dario recalls the time the family sailed across the Atlantic ocean, where they were often accompanied by whales or dolphins, to the delight of the children. “If you flew over this ocean, as most people do, you would totally miss out on this magical experience” points out Dario. Although not everyone has the luxury of time, you can still apply this mentality to your two week holiday.

Never Too Young To Learn

Whether experiencing your own country or traveling abroad, it’s never too young to learn an appreciation for nature.  As Dario says, “Kids who swim in rivers or lakes in Switzerland will grow up to be adults who fight passionately to protect these rivers and lakes”. Dario hopes that the global work of the ToptoTop expedition will have the same effect: “The seals on Robinson Crusoe Island in Chile are often hunted by fishermen. We took a group of local schoolchildren swimming with the seals and it was an amazing experience for everyone, I am pretty sure that these children will not grow up to be fishermen who hunt and kill these beautiful animals”.

Less Is More

Equally good for you is traveling light, according to Dario. “We once cycled for a week between settlements in Australia, with two small children. This experience taught us how to reduce what we took with us down to the absolute minimum, so we could carry all the water that we needed”. The family believes traveling with only minimal possessions adds a certain lightness not just to your luggage but also to your soul. “We learned that the less we took, the less we needed to worry about what we had forgotten”. Do the kids ever get bored with the few toys they are allowed to take on the boat? “Absolutely not!” laughs Dario. “The fewer toys they have, the more creative and curious they become. Nature is after all the best teacher”.

Combine Travel with a Mission

Although not everyone wants to dedicate their holidays to a volunteering project, it is still possible to have a positive impact on your destination when you travel: “Whether you are on a tropical beach or a mountain hike, take a bag with you and pick up any litter you find on the way”. Dario affirms that this simple and effective way of helping is something that he and his family love to do. “Nature is so generous, she gives us so much – from stunning scenery to peaceful moments” says Dario. “When you pick up litter, it’s like you are giving something back to nature”.

Share Experiences with Others

For the Schwörers, respecting nature and respecting the people you meet go hand in hand. It’s all part of their philosophy of traveling slowly: “When you don’t rush, you have more time to meet people, to make a connection and to learn from others” says Dario. “This can only improve your experience and most importantly expand your knowledge, helping you to learn the importance of protecting our planet”.

Family-Friendly Travel Gear

Climate Expedition
Tips from Kids
Sustainable Travel